24 Degrees- Mentor Feedback

December 18, 2008

Had a really good meeting with my mentor Debbie Tucker Green yesterday about my BBC WritersRoom/Royal Court Theatre scheme 24 Degrees. I am one of 24 writers selected from the UK to take part in this commission opportunity. Work can be produced for radio, stage, or screen.

Carcass is a feature length screenplay. The notes I got were incredibly detailed. The session overall and the notes in particular demonstrated to me by their very detail and volume how seriously Debbie had treated the script. After 20 minutes we were only on page 3 of the 63 page script!!

Lots of really good notes and things to consider. The weaknesses I felt in the draft Debbie agreed with which was good. These things can always be a bit of a test of the script analysis powers of the reader/ Script editor so good to see she ‘passed’ that. Some challenges and problems to resolve. and some great opportunities to create a really powerful peice of work  that can break your heart man!

Submission deadline is 5th Jan 2009 so some work to do over the holiday, festive break. Which is how I like it as I do get itchy when not writing.

Hopefully I’ll be able to post the script when the project is done and dusted. Four (or is it six? I wasnt listening)  of the scripts will be selected for a reading in February time so looking forward to hearing the feedback about my project.